







We have a core network of trusted manufacturing partners in China that we leveraged to source masks. We can’t be on the ground personally to review the masks before they ship, but through experience, we believe we are well equipped to filter for legitimacy.

The certification standards are the same for N95 masks in the USA, as they are for KN95 masks from China.

We are doing this initiative not for profit, but we are NOT a 501(c)3. All funds raised are going toward buying and distributing masks. At this moment, we do not believe donations will qualify as a tax write-off.

Device #Product CodesDevice Name
D382653MSHRespirator, surgical

Tab Title


4/16 9:06am EST

We were able to place another volume mask order of 5,883 through funds raised! This brings our total mask order count up to 15,333 to date. Thank you especially to the Grosse Pointe Sunrise Rotary Club for partnering with us. 

4/14 9:20pm EST

To date, we’ve received nearly $17,000 in donations and purchases, and have orders either in process or completed for a total of 8,115 masks!

Today, we started shipping a bulk order to the Grosse Pointe Sunrise Rotary Club in Michigan, designated to be shared with Detroit area hospitals and medical facilities.

4/10 5:34pm EST

We are navigating shifting shipping regulations in China and working to get expected shipping schedules out to customers. Thank you for your patience.

China customs published a new announcement (No.53/2020) today that states all of the following medical goods have to meet national quality standards, for which additional export clearance paper wok are required and customs will impose 100% inspection on masks and other PPE items. We’re confident our trusted vendors meet these quality standards and have shipments that have already been cleared under the new policy.

4/8 8:14pm EST

Amatis Manufacturing Manager Wendle Whiting distributed masks to the Pitkin County Jail and correctional health nurses in the Roaring Fork Valley region. 

4/6 6:02pm EST

Amatis Technical Sales Manager Cedric Kennedy received his first shipment of masks. He distributed the masks to doctors in desperate need in Ohio and Michigan. He also distributed the masks to an army facility, a home healthcare company working with ventilator-dependent quadriplegics, locals and the nursing staff that helped deliver his infant daughter recently. 

4/5 2:32pm EST

1,240 masks of the masks on order are currently available for purchase (delivery estimated in two weeks).

4/4 5:38pm EST

We’ve placed a total of 3 orders for 7,600 masks to date. 500 have arrived and were immediately shipped out. 500 more we expect Monday or Tuesday. The remaining 6,600 we expect to begin shipping from China starting Monday. 

At this time, 6,360 masks have been purchased by buyers. 

We hope to place another order from China early next week for at least 10,000 masks.

3/31 11:02am EST

  • We’ve committed 500 masks to the Beaumont to support Metro Detroit.
  • We’ve committed 3,000 masks to a Grosse Point Rotary organization, who will distribute the masks to Beaumont, St. Johns and other Detroit area organizations in need.
  • We received an additional $2,000 commitment from the Detroit area this morning

3/27 7:30pm EST
Amatis employees backed the purchase of $10,000 worth of masks. Way to go team!

3/27 6:07pm EST
We secured a donor supporting the shipping costs of the masks (thank you!). We are seeking donors urgently to support the material costs of the masks. 

Our sources

We have a core network of trusted manufacturing partners in China that are helping us source masks. We are not on the ground personally to review the masks before they ship, but through experience, we believe we are well equipped to filter for legitimacy.

We will share new information here as we progress this effort.

Our Process

  • The Chinese manufacturers require full payment up front before they will begin the fulfillment process.
  • We’re pre-fundraising the masks orders and seeking financial support.
  • We are placing and receiving orders as fast as we can pre-fundraise.
  • We’re updating the pricing of the masks on this website daily, based on the base costs for the masks, plus the costs of shipping, the financial transactions and other service fees. Mask pricing is constantly increasing from the suppliers, and we will buy quantities based on the minimum order quantity of the manufacturers based on the lead time and costs at the moment the funds are available to send to our vendors. We will help absorb some discrepancies in cost using donated money.
  • We’re using the donated funds at our discretion so that we can quickly put it into the pipeline, and we’re open to donor’s input as well.
  • Quantities are not guaranteed.


How much financial support do we need?

The costs of masks are increasing as the demand is quickly outpacing the manufacturing capacity. At this time, we are selling masks at $4/mask which covers the current costs incurred with procuring the masks, and an additional amount to increase our ability to procure even more masks as the costs increase.

All proceeds, after costs, are going back into the funds used to procure more masks.

The current $4 price will likely go up in the future, but in the near-term we think that is the best balance between the need to get masks as fast as possible, and also make them affordable to the institutions and individuals that need them.

How long will it take the masks to ship?

The lead-time for masks from manufacturers in China is literally getting longer by the hour. As of April 2nd, lead-times are about 6 days for a minimum order quantity of 10,000 masks; just to manufacture.

Shipment capacity from China has been decimated by the curtailment of commercial flights from the country. Prior to this epidemic, the majority of air freight was handled by commercial passenger airlines. Once our orders are in the remaining shipping network capacity we have more insight into the expected delivery time.

Small shipments have been taking about 6 days in the last two weeks. Larger shipment travel times are still a fairly broad unknown given the current situation.

The only thing we can be sure, is the longer we wait, the longer it will take as demand soars.

How will Amatis use the funds raised?

We will group together the donations to leverage the best volume pricing, but we will also be as quick to order as possible since we know the prices are only going to go up.

Information Packet

Please read our information packet for production specifications, FDA certificate (cleared to market) and FDA letter on Chinese manufacturing.

Download Packet

Source more masks

If you’re interested in ordering large quantities and need help with sourcing, please email us.

Source more masks

If you’re interested in support this initiative with capital to help fund overseas bulk mask orders, use this checkout cart.

View our user agreement for this campaign here: http://www.amatiscontrols.com/masks-user-agreement/